Monday, May 29, 2017

Necrology: Dr. med. Thomas C. Kandathil [Cyriac], M. D. (Patavium)


Dr. med. Thomas C. Kandathil [Cyriac], M. D. (Patavium)
(* 1 Aug. 1935 - † 29 May 2017)

s. of Advocatus K. T. Cyriac, Kandathil [Thomas] (1907-1962), Chempu, Vaikom, Kingdom of Travancore
Organiser (1929-1945) and General Secretary (1945-1948 (resigned)), All Kerala Catholic Congress

Elizabeth Cyriac née Joseph Kunnapally (1915-1990), Muhamma, Alleppey, Kingdom of Travancore. 

Higher degrees in Pneumology, Cardiology, and Internal medicine, from Italy and Germany.

Medical service at various hospitals and in other venues and circumstances.

Vice President, All Kerala Catholic Congress (1989-1992 (resigned))
Treasurer, All Kerala Catholic Congress, Archdiocese of Ernakulam (1989-1995)
President, All Kerala Catholic Congress, Archdiocese of Ernakulam (2002-2007 (resigned))

Requiescat in pace. Ruhe im frieden.

1 comment:

  1. Shared with: Public
    Ajay Abraham - 2017-06-07T13:44:37+0000
    Heart condolences for your loss, may he rest in peace
    Tony Neelankavil - 2017-06-10T02:05:39+0000
    Hearty condolences! May God give him eternal rest.


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